Grounded in a 4x4 grid

Like KCAI’s 14 academic disciplines, its brand mark is rooted in a meaningful foundation. This 4x4 bedrock does not budge – which represents KCAI’s belief that the most impactful art and design comes to fruition from a cornerstone of fundamentals.

Evolving the system

The brand mark system fosters true creative transformation. While there are guidelines around shifting the blocks within the grid, the mark’s adaptations are endless.

Doubling as a gallery

When the blocks within the KCAI mark aren’t black or white, they act as a blank canvas – a gallery to showcase artwork from its students, alumni and faculty. This is a uniquely powerful characteristic within the flexible identity and allows us to showcase the fearless art created through KCAI.

Coming to life

Paired with a black and white primary color palette and approachable typography, the visual identity has come to life across campus and all branded assets. When opportune, the empty blocks within the mark reveal themselves as a supplemental design that plays with the imagination.

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